The whole entire last week was fast heading towards the dump starting with the wig incident, then the dress incident, then the ring incident and after a lot of other minor and thens, finally on Wednesday night out of frustration and boredom I surf the web aimlessly and decided to read what others has updated their blog about. I saw that Elyn has an entry with my name on it! Onwards hoooo and went to see what it was all about.
I came back to my blog sniffling and crying then grinning like a mad woman. Never in my life had someone do so much for me. It was so touching. Although I felt all shy about the way she described me but still, I was so happy to see that I meant something to her as much as she meant something to me.
She posted up a YouTube video with a short speech and all. It was all so unexpected for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! And you looked fantastic Elyn! Best part is, everytime I miss her, I can just take a look at the video. Heheeee~
As well, a big thank you to Ryan and Tyiki for helping Elyn with the video that meant so so much to me!
On Thursday afternoon, I went out to meet Elyn as promised a week ago. I didn't expect anything from her as she has already given me an unbeatable gift the night before, and ta-daa towards the end of our meeting, she passed me a box which I shall now knight as my Happy box.
I was initially confused with the big box because I do remember that Elyn once mentioned the extra Stila Tinted Moisturizer she bought was for my b-day when I drooled at it. So here I was thinking wow, did the tinted moisturizer needed such a big box??
Le Mystery~ or is it La? Oh Le Le, Oh La La~ *does happy dance infront of box*
Isn't it strange how a person your friend met online that you meet and totally fall in love with can do so much to make your birthday a memorable one? Not the sexual way, don't want David to come and beat me up >.<;; If you read Elyn's blog, you should know how we met. We met through Elisa and my first meeting was in Nando's Gurney Plaza. I actually troubled her when I mentioned that I wanted to buy something from her blog that she wasn't going to sell anymore and I was sitting there all nervous and wondering if I should or shouldn't have asked her about wanting it. So here she enters and I was sitting next to her gawked when I saw this beautiful person with absolutely no airs talking to me like an old friend. I instantly loved her. No questioned asked about her or what was her surname even or anything. I instantly decided that I loved her. Isn't it so weird?
As I unwrapped my 'lovers' slowly, my throat keep getting tighter and tighter. When I finally done unwrapping everything, I stood back and looked with tears falling off my face. I'm too speechless to describe more but I think it's easy to understand why I'm just so speechless. Above are the things that I secretly liked or needed.
I never had a tinted moisturizer before and after seeing Elyn, I ooh and ahh-ed hating the fact that Stila has closed down. The Stila eye shadow palette was something I had considered for a long time while standing at the counter to get or not to get. In the end, due to budget constraint was something I never got. The Heroine make up base was also something I've always wondered about while browsing Sasa for make up base. I like using make up base alot since I don't exactly have flawless skin and seeing how bloody lazy I am, my make up usually last or should last me atleast 12 hours. I didn't know what was the Lumiere Sheer Silk powder was for till I watch tv. I saw it it went hand in hand with the tinted moisturizer. Ohhh!
Duo adhensive was the first to be used out of everything. I needed an eyelash glue so badly I considered buying one from MAC. I bought one from Daiso a couple of weeks ago and I must say that it's worth the RM5 but that's that. This one was fablous. I love it! It stays on very well and so easy to remove. Yes people, it's my first time using expensive eyelash glue. >.<;; ELF eye primer and liner seal, I'm crazy about eye primers so enough said, whee hee! Toookiiidooookiiiiii for Smashbox. I'm crazy about Tokidoki stuffs but it sucks chicken ass that it's limited edition and I have absolutely no clue how or where to even start looking for them so when I saw that Elyn has given me one. I smiled and smiled.. and then grinned like a monkey. Happiness!!

Left to right: Tokidoki for smashboz in Dolcissima (very sweet) a peachy sparkly shade, Stila palette
Overall, yes I was jumping in joy in my room, any higher and my ceiling fan would have given me a brand new, free haircut.
The night itself, I headed out to meet Elisa, Kern and Su Lin for ice cream at Haagen Dazs, Elisa came just to watch the shop close. She was utterly late and since me and Kern was waiting for her, we drooled watching Su Lin finish her choc choc chocolate ice cream and never got to order any. But all was fine. Darren was suppose to meet us but he got caught up 'entertaining' i.e: drinking with his client and never made it. BOO! Well since I'm not exactly paying him his salary, can't complain much.
Off we pile into Su Lin's car and went to a hotel's lounge for some drinks. Why I'm reluctant to name the hotel is because the lounge singers were so bad they were hilarious. Forgotten lyrics, out of tune and later as I was walking out the door, I can see the main male singer sitting on the sofa picking his teeth with his fingers. Major turn off. Gross!!!
Even the clouds were pink and blue for my birthday!
Yes yes, I'm allowed an inflated ego for a day~
Painted my nails in OPI Sweet Memories, stick on the nail stickers from Elyn months ago and painted and gagged everyone in the car with my top coat smell.
Yes yes, I'm allowed to be brainless for a day~
Mom laughed and said I looked like Micheal Jackson when she saw my picture with my dad. No my nose is not falling off nor can I sing or dance like him, my bank account isn't anywhere near his but apparently I'm ghastly white like he is...
When I was younger everyone told me that I looked like my dad which made him super proud, no one ever tells me that anymore thought but he doesn't have to know. I sometimes wonder who I take after more now. My elder sis is a younger version of my mom but I seem to be neither here nor there. Gah! I knew it! I was adopted! Kidding..
My goofy sis and I, we look alike in pictures but in real life, if I were to hold her hands in public, they'll think we're lesbians. Sad
Dinner with the Clubhouse Boys and Girls :D
Then again, since it was meant to be a surprise and me not having a clue about it, saw that I was free for the evening and decided to have a dinner in conjuction with mine and Hockster's (the guy on the front row wearing blue) birthday.But in the end, dinner with the Clubhouse boys were good - as usual. Its been some time since I last joined them for dinner or headed over to the CH for movie night or something so it was a good catch up time!
Many many thanks to Capes for the red packet and Big Daddy Padios for the ice cream vouchers (camera with sis, can't take pics of the cute vouchers) and Pinky Doodle Doo who also gave me a red packet!
Later after dinner, I headed over to Red Box karaoke with Su Lin, Kern and the rest. I never realize how soft my own voice is or what the hell is wrong with the microphone. It can never pick up my voice and then everyone accuse me of not singing when in fact I was. Then again, I got an awful singing voice so it's good. I can't sing to save my life or anyone's life in fact. In fact too much of my singing might land you in the ICU even!
Left to right: Su Lin's pressie, Dazzleglass in Steppin' out, Lawrence and Lyssa's gift
In the end, I had a great, memorable Birthday thanks to everyone. From the gifts to the wishes, I can't tell anyone how incredibly happy I was. 25th birthday really left a BIG BIG mark in my heart, I sincerely thank everyone for all their efforts, taking time to wish, accompany and making this so so memorable!
Also, a very super BIG thank you for all your wishes, it really meant alot to me as well as this is probably the first time so many people wished me. LOL! Thank you from the bottom of my beart *muaks*
Happy happy birthday again *sings a belated bday song* ^_^! I'm really glad that you had such an amazing day!!! Oh and Elyn is sooo sweet (if you (yes I mean Elyn) read this...I think that you gave perfect presents)! That truly is a huge Happy box! I think it will leave you dancing forever haha. But I like the photo's in your blog. You look really pretty (no comments back please...just accept it haha)! I like your haircolor! And to be brainless for a day or two is totally acceptable (Love the nails!)! Xx
WOW!! You got so much awesome stuff! :D & everything seemed just so perfect for you. I'm super glad that everything was so nice for your birthday. From your previous posts before, I was worried that you wouldn't have a good birthday because you had such bad luck, but OMG, it sounds like you've had one amazing b-day~!
Hey Ashley,
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! It's nice to know that you had such a great birthday :-) with a lot of pressies...hehe. Btw, love your nails in nude color!
wow... reading your post, I'm glad you had fun. I was shocked when you said you had plans for your bday dinner, and well, i was a lil disappointed you didn't make it to the steamboat, blame it all to the uncle.. lol.. we will plan another steamboat to make uncle apologize..ok? wahaha. Well, at least v all meet up at redbox. and yeah.. do not say your singing is awful,your good :)
and wow..Elyn had made a wonderful speech for you,and I ustand how does it feels, me too felt the same way for you, damn touching.
Lastly, do not feel bad or sad not seeing our (me & elisa) pressie, its on its way.. Sorry for the belated. Anyway, I hope your 25th birthday is full of blessing. hugss
Getting a birthday pressie isn’t part of my strength, I never am good at that at all. The truth is my initial birthday pressie to you was a ticket to MAC La Mode workshop, but after finding out you might have other plan that really got me panic and sweat “oh shite” !! *lol*. I got home and told D about it, he said to me “ I guess you just have to think of something else to give her now, what’s plan B?”…
My plan B would be getting you a Rement but then again I don’t know who else to turn to *sighs* and I am fearful of getting what you already have with you so given that I am heading the dead end , thus I go ahead with my final Plan C…..I would give you something to start out not that you are inexperience with makeup and all in face you are really good :D , but I hope all these could help to enhance your look further, something you’ll need down the road for a full-proof makeup.
I sort of picking those up from my spares , and ordered some whilst keeping my fingers crossed they will arrive right on time, to enable me to wrap them up. And btw the last glue arrived the min I am about to leave to meet you, I figured if it dinna come today, I will prolly give it to you the next time I see you…..nyayahahahahaha but phewwwwwww….
Anyway, I am glad that you loved em all and enjoy your birthday pressie !! and oo btw the Lumiere Silk power is for you to set your face with after you apply your foundation, it helps to keep my face fresh and has great oil control, this is one of my favorite, so I am sharing it with you :D
P.s. Keep Smilling. P.s.s. you resemble more of your dad P.s.s.s Be seeing you darl take care aye *peace*
TJ : Thanks :P
Thank youuuu and OMG, you look great!
Thank you thank you sweets~! and yes the happy box will leave me dancing for some time to come if not till i die anyway :D
I did have bad luck and it was really all because I was lucky enough to have a thoughtful bunch of friends that made it so wonderful! I was expecting the worst too XD
Lol! At your age, you're not that old but sometimes sleeping in does sound pretty good. Thank you so much, I was always wondering who I looked like more and half cursing my Pinky for getting all the good stuffs >.>;;
But I'm glad that i'm a mix of both mom and dad (and not just dad but lets keep this to ourselves)
Hey there Michelle!
Thank you so much, it's one of my fav OPI colours :P
Thank you very much for everyhing just as well! I had fun being with everyone, it was all great! Except the steamboat part. T.T
I like to hear your singing better, compared to you, I'm a frog.
Thanks again!
@Elyn dearest
LOL! I decided that I really wanted to attend the MAC workshop and my parents gave me just enough to attend for my birthday which I'm super thankful for. I really wanted to learn more, and seriously, the video and the page dedication is really the best pressie ever!
I'm glad you didn't get the Re-ment though, LOL! I absolutely love love your pressies, every single one of them cause I know you put lots of thought into getting them!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, one of your favourites! I must try it too then!
LMAO! So I still look more of my dad huh? I'm sure my dad would be really happy to know. MUahahhahahahhahahaa.. take care too and love ya lots dearest!
what a nice gifts you got!! happy belated bday!! you look so beautiful with your cute hair cute and color!! looks really GOOD on you! <3 love the photos of the sky very nice photo so beautiful colors! <3
the masque is great but I think its the serum is what gave me a great outcome~ :D I really wish it was cheaper can you buy them some other place than the their website?
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