It's really been some time since I last did an EOTD, I guess the fact that I got too lazy has something to do with it. My eye make up has gotten so simple now that I during the time I went down to KL, I only took with me a BB Shimmering Nudes palette and MAC Typographic which is highly unusual of me. I used to carry every specific shades to go with specific outfits, so this sure tells something about me and my laziness.
I am so blur that I never realized that MAC latest collection, ColorCraft is out till I saw Elyn's post and went to the MAC website to check it out. The colours looks fantastic but nothing caught my eyes till I saw the face charts. I fell head over heels in love with Nice Mix. It became my insipirationa and I badly wanted to try it out but lo and behold, an eye infection put everything on hold but yesterday, eye infection or not, I wanted to try it and I did.
I must admit that I really didn't do a great job on it but I'm going to practise on this look till I master this, NYAHAHHAHAAA!

Look at my eye bag (no 's') LMAO
Oh wait, you're suppose to look at the eye make up not the eye bag =_=
I kid you not, too much eye colour and suddenly the people think you either work in a pub or is a hooker. It's hard for people here to accept something like this. If we have too much eye make up on, be prepared to recieve comments such as, 'Wow, you're make up is so thick today'.
It really doesn't matter if you end up spraying your face with Dulux or ICI cause they'll never notice but as soon as you put on one eye colour too many, you WILL recieve comments such as above *sigh* I don't get it.
Moving on, I put MAC Cream Colour base in Luna, then put on Lancome's Pale Mood Rising eye shadow over the base, Silky Girl's Yin & Yang (white/ black) eyeshadow would work too but I wanted to make use of the Lancome one since it's been ages since I last touched it and it's sheerer compared to Yin.
I drew my eyeliner making it a little more cat eye than usual and also drew it under my eyes surrounding the entire eye. I then use the usual MAC Typographic to soften the harsh line and smudge out the entire look before placing some on the outer V.
If there's one thing I absolutely hate about MAC Typographic is when it oxidize, it turns to very pale dirty gray instead but the colour looks great when it's fresh and no amount of primer or anything can save it from oxidizing to that color.
Overall, this is one look that I DO love and will be practising on, other than that it also make my eye slittier than usual, not that I mind :P will have to see when Su Lin post up some pictures that we took from last night then I'll know.
July 18
Woke up at 11 plus when Kern smsed me to tell me what time she's coming over to pick me up for gym. Rolled about lazily then got dressed and packed.
I realized something for the first time in 25 years of my life. I don't turn rosy pink or lobster red after a good work out. I turn to a shade of green. I kid you not. My lips would have gone colourless and dry and my face has a shade of someone who's about to pass out when I'm actually doing fine. It's kinda funny thinking about it. Nyahahahhaha!
After the work out, Kern, Ks and I headed over to Gurney Plaza to meet up with Elisa for lunch. While there, I saw that they were having some sort of booth selling hair pins, face mask, clothes and so forth and my eyes spotted something interesting. A booth selling make up!
So obviously I would have went over to take a look, what surprised me was when I saw that they sold NARS lip glosses. We don't have NARS counter here in M'sia I think, not too sure but they definitely don't have any in Penang and thus my suprise. The lady told me that it was RM15 and my eye went wide. NARS lip gloss for RM15? Impossible! And the lady explained that it was because they didn't pay the tax for it. Uh okayyy~ It wasn't till I saw the MAC imitations that my fears were confirmed. They were all fake cosmetics!
I was quite suspicious when I saw the ugly sticker across the casing and ta-daa, no surprise when I tore it off
Just out of curiosity and just to show you how the fakes look like, I bought the MAC eye shadow. It was RM10 so it wasn't too bad.
First and foremost, I do NOT encourage anyone to buy any fake cosmetic regardless of price and brand and whatever shit they spew. The ingredients are hardly accurate or shown and thus you'll never really know where they are from and what it's made from. It may be harmful to your eyes, face or lips and may even be toxic to your health. It's okay to buy drug store brand make up rather than buying fake cosmetic. Please be aware and educate yourself on how to spot the fakes. If you're unsure, don't buy!
Left to right: How it looks like at the back. It can't get any faker than this
The texture is clalky and somewhat 'rough' to the touch unlike a real MAc which is powdery soft
stupid picture, just tilt your head =_=;
Oew I love that look! I think it looks really good on you! I'm not so sure if I can pull off a smokey eye though. I usually only use mascara and a color on my lips and cheeks. And every now and then I put on eyeshadow. Usually in soft earthy tones, but I would love to try a smokey eye. I always have the feeling that I look well I can't think of a good word here to emphasize what I mean hehe...but yeah I have this idea that heavier eye make up just doesn't work for me. Perhaps a make up professional has to put it...ehm I'm still not sure...BUT! I think you will master this look in no time!
Pretty eyes & cute bed sheet ! I super love the way you draw the liner so it makes the eye longer xD Maybe I should try that someone. & I totally agree, in Malaysia people look at eyeshadows in a different way. Silly peeps. and Oh, Happy Belated Birthday dear girl ! :)
Judging by your pic, you're a natural beauty. Something not all that common anymore, keep it simple is indeed the best for you :D
Girl, you're gorgeous!
As for me, the more is better, nyahahahhaa, too many flaws to cover. :P
Lol, thank you thank you but I really didn't do that great of a job. Yea try it, I need it cause my eyes look really stupid when I colour it too roundish, muahahhaha!
Thankies sweetie!
I finally got to know this was the color craft look you talked about and you did good !! Make sure you keep practicing and hope to see you in this the next time we meet aite :D.
Muahahahahaha, how I wish the ori MAC shadows are just as that I can part them into a few pieces at the end of the day we can all share out to save cost....LOL
p.s. : After you apply your UDPP, try laying a thin layer of NYX jumbo pencil in milk (please use your finger for event application) then apply nyx nude pearl over the milk at the 1st half of your lids, and apply a gray or typographic works too on the rest of your lids. use black concentrating on your outter V turn your brush to make wink-out and smudge upwards see if the color combo work out for you not. if you want your outter corner to look more in dept try lining your upper waterline with black pencil, this will make your lashes look more intense and thick.. let me know how it turn out k...
Much <3 !!
Hey Ashley!
Loving the eye look! =)
And I have to agree with you that a lot of people here cannot accept eyemakeup. Including some of my relatives. Sigh... But screw them, I shall wear watever I like. Color rocks! =)
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