p.s. : After you apply your UDPP, try laying a thin layer of NYX jumbo pencil in milk (please use your finger for event application) then apply nyx nude pearl over the milk at the 1st half of your lids, and apply a gray or typographic works too on the rest of your lids. use black concentrating on your outter V turn your brush to make wink-out and smudge upwards see if the color combo work out for you not. if you want your outter corner to look more in dept try lining your upper waterline with black pencil, this will make your lashes look more intense and thick.. let me know how it turn out k...After a good workout at the gym, a good shower and a good dinner, I was ready for anything! Fully charged and feeling excited.
- Elyn aka Makeupholics
I re-read Elyn's words and got to work, I went straight to NYX's Milk and skipped the UDPP cause my UDPP was still happily and nicely in it's box, I'm still not done staring at it yet, too precious to be use for something like this. I have a strange feeling if Elyn was near me, she would have either gave me an earful or at the very least twisted my ears since the UDPP were gifts from her and I know she wants me to use them. But since she's not near me, my ears are safe and I can stingily skipped the UDPP part.
Left to right: Smear the milk onnn, NYX jumbo pencil in Milk I mean,
NYX Nude pearl over first half of lids
I extended the gray too far behind my eyes making it look odd. Not to mention there was way too much gray, but just for practice, I applied some black eyeliner to the eye just to see if I could at any point save it. Nope, too much damage, time to declare it a lost cause and move on to the other eye.
Hmm, I definitely like this one better than the first, (Thanks Elyn!) Looks like I still need a little more practice on it and I'll be fine. I hope, fingers crossed anyway. That reminds me, finally got the pictures for that night when I tried on the Nice Mix for the first time, I really ended up looking 'cat-ish' NYAHAHAHAHHAA!

Me, Kern and DJ Chaoz in LOOK Bistro
Yea, my eyes are actually half closed if not entirely closed :P
Picture taken by Neko
I've always been curious about the effects of all the different colours. I've used green to cover my cherry red pimples for a long time now but never tried the other colours so ta-daa, with this in my hands, experiment begin~ I'm not too sure but I think E got this from her make up course she attended a couple of years ago, it's good for photoshoots and bridal make up I think since it's pretty thick and cover almost everything. o.O
Gross looking right? Nyahahahaaa, that's my fault actually.. =_=
Left to right: Holding my breath, see any difference between the face and neck?
Even without a primer, this stuff manage to cover most and almost port hole on my face, Wow! It brigten up my face but also made me look ghastly white, the almost same effect as applying too much BB cream. God dammit, the lighting sucks so bad can anyone even see anything?
Anyway something like this is really good for pictures and photoshoots, in real life, people would have given me second looks, not in a good way kinda seconds looks.
But if I could find this thing somewhere, I just might be tempted to buy it :P
Good day madam Ashley!! Indeed the first eye had a bit too much grey, but the second eye was really pretty! The soft grey really suits your eyes. I loveeee it! and WOOW those eyelashes really made your eye *POP*! Really, really pretty!!
About the concealer pictures...I do see a slight difference, but I guess the lighting makes it difficult to see...but about being ghastly white...would you apply foundation on top of it? or should you first use foundation and then conceal? I usually (when I put a full make-up face that is hehehe...)put foundation first, then conceal and then a soft powder finish. But perhaps you should conceal first if you use the colored concealers? I use the Coastal Scents camouflage kit at the moment ^_^...didn't know if I already told you that hahaha...I'm also toying with the idea to buy colored concealer....man I just can't stop trying new stuff out hahaha...it's too much fun (only not soo much fun for my wallet -__-''''''''').
PS.: People who don't give you a second (in a GOOD way)look are simply blind! Yes they really are ^_^!
PS.2: hehehe I love the 'cat-ish' picture of you ^_^!
Sometimes I am wondering why you can make better EOTD when both of us have small eyes. Ah !!! Maybe I have sucky skill to begin with. Or maybe your eyeshadows are of better quality. The point is... I am totally envious of you! And your skill!
Your eyes really stand out in this EOTD, me love it mucho mucho !
At first glance, I thought it was a multi-flavoured ice cream but it's concealer ! Haha. I always peed my pants from laughing.
And wow... your neck looks so smooth and flawless white... I am in awe, really.
@Gorgeous TJ
Madam Ashley?? That made me sound really old *cries in a corner*
Thank you but still a long way to go.. :D
About the colour correctors, yea we need foundation on top of it since it's gonna be patchy, uneven and weirdly coloured if not. The colour correctors goes on first then foundation and then probably concealer after that powder but this will far too thick on a normal day, being lazy me, I usually slap on foundation then concealer and loose powder.
I love things from coastal scents too but i only got the brushes so far. Any reviews for the concealer you're currently using?
P.s: You actually liked the 'cat' pictures? Lmaoooo, thanks anyway! *hugs*
@JeanJean dear~
I've been toying with the idea of kidnapping you one of these days and do nothing but play with your eye make up the entire day! LOL!! Don't tempt me further :P
Truth be told, I look back at my old EOTD and cringe, I can tell that it's only of late that I improved a little T.T The real guru here would probably be Elyn. I kid you not.
Don't be envious, if I had skin like yours, ahhhhh~ my life would have been perfect! because of my skin condition I have to 'distract' ppl to look else where. NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, now you know my secret!
Thankie thankieeee~ *hugs*
Hun, if it was ice-cream, I would showing you an empty tub, not one still filled!
Har?!? U wanna see smooth and flawless white? Hold up a mirror and you'll see it too >.>;;
AAAAAAAAAH NOOOOO! that's soooo not the effect I was going for :|!!! Omg please come out of the corner, please pretty please! I tried to say it in a very elegant way, so that you felt graceful and elegant, you know like a Parisian lady ...I'm feeel soo stupid o_O....
Would you please come out of the corner *begs on her knees*
PS.: You are really sticking with that name aren't you hehehe...Girl!! you are too sweet big hugs!!!!
Oh my my, you look awesome hun and those eyes look absolutely stunning , you got it right on the 2nd eye keep practicing you will get it right after this I kid you not. The wheel of concealer look familiar, hmmm I have seen similar stuff ,,, Stage cosmetics have it as well different texture perhaps?
Kern looking like a real sweetheart leaning her head towards you..hehe btw who’s that guy standing next to him *me kaypoh*
Me guru is overrated liao, I am just a novice I won’t be bothered attending the makeup workshop otherwise, just hope the artist of the day won’t be throwing my ass off her class……bwahahahahaha
I am so excited and I must remember to bring along my camera, I couldn’t wait to see you again dearie !!
@Elyn dearest~
Thank youuuu, couldn't have done it without you, was hoping you might do a tutorial or EOTD on this as well. HYope to learn from you.
If stage has it, I don't mind checking it out :P
That would be KS, a friend of ours :D
Novice? to call you a novice would be an insult. You're far too good. seriously, not jacking or whatever but you're gooooooooood
same here, muaahahahhaha, *hugs hugs*
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