Pinky Doodle Doo returned home from Hong Kong last Sunday. She bought me lots f stuffs. Whee! One thing about
Pinky Doodle Doo is that she has a habit of buying me lots and lots of things from trips and usually forgets to buy herself anything. Weird habit huh? I knew about this for a long time already so everytime she called home from Hong Kong to tell
me what she bought
me, I would consistantly remind her to buy things for herself. Of course, it usually falls on deaf ears. I can't complain but it makes me guilty. I don't ask for them but she goes overboard and buys them anyway. I think she got herself some nail deco and 2 shirts the rest was for me. ARGHH the guilt!
She knew I was totally in love with the
Beauty Diary mask of late. I bought them in the night market a few weeks ago and they were quite pricy. They were selling for alot more than the forums in the internet but whenever I think about the shipping, the fear of buying fakes and all, I get a big massive headache. Not to mention, I needed them for a certain someone's birthday. I needed them quick so I bought some. Ouch!
Still sealed! Gonna finish the loose ones firstWhile in Watsons Hong Kong,
Pinky Doodle Doo spotted them! She bought me 2 boxes of them in my absolute favourite, the Bulgarian White Rose and Aloe Vera. They were selling it pretty cheap! Wow! If only I could get someone in HK to buy me some. Then again, the shipping would have killed me off. I'm so freaking envious of the people in HK. Makes me wanna pack my bags and go there too. Unlike my sister who's multi lingual, I'll be laughed at, poked fun off, looked down upon since I cannot speak anything except English and my hometown dialect of Hokkien. T.T I'm a pathetic fool. A chinese who can't really be called chinese.
Pinky Doodle Doo knows of my love for food/dessert stuffs and she got me a charm bracelet with just all that. I nearly died of happiness. For one,
I love charm bracelets and when I have lovely desserts hanging off them, a dream come true. The bracelet is suprisingly solid and very heavy. I knew it cost quite a bit but I'm really extremely pleased to have it. I'm jumping with joy. Ahh, women and assories.
But seriously, who can resist food? Especially delicious looking cakes and deserts.

Pinky Doodle Doo then got me some earrings. My favourite is the one with a cake and fork hanging from it. It totally matched the bracelet she got me. But I do sit and wonder, will I look like a glutton wearing the entire set out. The snowflakes earrings is something I somewhat alread have.Except for the other one, instead of a white plastic background, it's all metal. They too were gifts from Pinky Doodle Doo although I wonder if she remembers giving them to me. If she did, why did she gotten me an almost exact same replica? o.O;; Could never figure out how her brains works.

I'm not sure why, but she got me this too. I freaked when I saw the price but her excuse was, "
But it's a cake and it's so cute! Look, it can light up!". Yes, my mom tries her hardest to stuff me and my sister does it too, in a stranger way. Oh well, it's cute.
*clicks it on and off and on and off and on and off*
Nail decorAnother thing for me to freak at the price. I've never bought anything remotely close to decorate my nails before. *
cough* I wonder if I'll ever use them, the roses are so cute and I think they are svaroski crystals. Perhaps when I get a new phone, I'll consider sticking it there instead.
My aunt who lives in Hong Kong bought these miniatures for me. I doubt I'll use them since I'm fussy when it comes to scents but the bottles and shapes are pretty interesting so yay yay!

Oh, Pinky Doodle Doo bought me a pink bag that comes with a smaller make up bag with bunnies prints.. Thanks Pinky, love you lot lots!
Ooooooh you got so many cool things!! Pinky is soo sweet! Everything is soo cute! I just stared at them for several minutes before I typed my comment haha! (and I'm glancing back whil I'm typing now...kinda difficult hehehe)
Hahaha I think you had your own disco party switching the cute cake on and off! I started dancing a bit ^_^. Ohh nooo you're not a pathetic fool Ash! You're simply not!
I usually bring along lots of gifts for others as well ^_^. Oh the bracelet is soo kawaii!!! I will go to your other post! *strolls away*
I've bought those face masks as well, in China... they're pretty good, as I've never tried any others before, these work perfectly fine for me!
Have a great weekend!
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