Hmm, talking about cosmetic surgery, after JH went home, I carefully lock the doors, close the windows, brought out my make up kit and started on a look for a contest hosted by Bombshell, for one, I love the unique idea. But I'm a little clueless on the props and hair (I don't own any fancy wigs other than my usual two and they are unfortunately not blond) She did mention that it didn't have to be blond but still, think Barbie, you think blond.
For one, I'm far from perfect but I loved the idea so I decided "Ah what the heck" but the look didn't turned out right so I'm guessing either I'll try again some other day or just drop out of it. I didn't look plastic enough. Damn, never though trying to look fake or plastic would be so hard. And the other contestant make it look so easy. Not trying to be offend anyone, it's just that they did a fantastic job on it and here I am struggling like an idiot. :P
So anyway, I happily put on my '2 inch' thick make up and set to work with the eyes and lips. I had quite a bit to cover since the pimples is out on full force lately too. Not as bad as my Singapore trip time but it's pretty bad; all because I tried Dr.Jart+ again to re-confirmed that it was the one thing that was giving me pimples. It was. It so was. I'm still sore about it since I liked it; the coverage was excellent and it hurt my wallet quite a bit.
Lipstick used: No brand lip palate + MJ Honey Pump; NYX Narcissus + Guerlain's lipgloss
Initial first few test shots
Used MAC Petticoat on my cheeks and toned the pinkish-ness with TBS Shimmer wave in Peach.
The pictures might not be perfect but at least give me credit for posting them up without any of them being photoshopped.
I've never hidden the facts that I have scars and so forth so if you have some nasty comments, go ahead but you'll end up looking like a total idiot since this is no secret. And I'll be more than happy to say, "Way to go Captain Obvious!'
I'm not looking for nice comments or anything and I'm not obsessed with myself, I just enjoy posting all the failed experiments and hey, this is in some way my online diary where I can look back, slap my forehead and wonder what the hell was I thinking when I did that.
Ah, finally forked out my hard earned pay to buy this - Origins, Out of Trouble.
I've previously bought the smaller bottle one to try out and discovered that I really liked it. But the price was a little too pricy so I looked around in The Body Shop. They had the Aloe Vera mask (RM66) but the sales girl was not too friendly so I went over to Origins and bought this instead. Oh well.
I tend to just put on a thin layer and go sleep in it. It's nice cause it calms down inflamed skin as well. During the times when my skin is all red and agitated, I'll slap some of these on and go sleep. It doesn't dry up like clay mask does and so it doesn't crack and make you scratch your face like a monkey scratches its ass.
I agree. What I did not agree to was this...

Prepare yourself for punishment, JH!
I'm easy to please though, all you have to do is appease me with your Baneslayer card *rubs hands*
Yes. Very sorry. I just had to use caps lock for this. But I love love your photo's!
This sentence really made me laugh: "this is in some way my online diary where I can look back, slap my forehead and wonder what the hell was I thinking when I did that."
You don't wanna know how often I slap my forehead, because I did something weird or stupid or well typical TJ ^_^. The contest sounds really cool, I do hope you'll try it another time! Looking plastic huh...never thought about it. OH! on youtube, my favorite make artist is Kandee Johnson, I think she did a Barbie look too. I don't know why, but I just love her videos ^_^!
Heey! I have the same masks! I also have the blemish one, but I'm not soo sure if it gives me more pimples. But sometimes the pimples need to come out more in order to go away....*sigh* I do have scarring as well from those stupid ass pimples -_-'. But no one is perfect indeed! Not even those supermodels. Oh and indeed those pictures they use on the mask pack are just to weird for words! I also use the one with a blue mask. Not sure what it's called tho, but it really calms your skin and makes it look better.
Prepare for the next email mwuhauahaha...okay maybe it won't be too long, maybe it will. I don't know. I just type and see what happens heheheh.
Ciao *HUGS*
Oh boy, a mask that smells like toilet cleaners? :(
girl i think you look gorgeous in your pictures. The gym is the worst part of my day because I have to go there without makeup! lol
dont forget to email me the picture(s) you decide to use :) Im glad you're doing the contest
Love the make up :) I admire your confidence in your self :)
gosh, i didn't know dr. jart would give out free pimples xD i have one dr. jart too but in blue label though. btw girl, i'm not sure if it's the camera angle.. but i think you looked thinner in the pics (ie. sharper jawlines) xD
your so pretty (as always) but I seriously always love your makeup...gah, have to like learn from u seriously, I wish i can do makeup like u day
(because i suck at doing makeup x_x)
oh and hahahha love the card (collector of nice)
oh and wanted to say THANKS! thanks soo much for joining my giveaway I really appreciate it! Thanks, oh and dont worry u can definitely join doesnt matter if theres no skin md store nearby its just a scavenger hunt thing, so u can mention any skin md store :p
have a wonderful weekend!
Ahhh >.< *shy*
We've all had the "what the *toot* was I thinking" moments right? Unfortunately, I have alot of them.
I have a tendency to wake up in the morning and either apply facial cleanser to my toothbrush or use the WRONG toothbrush..
How gross is that?
Oooo, I must go check her out then, thanks! My bf said my look wasn't plastic enough since he loved it T.T
Ahhh,but what did you think of the smell? ARGH, I can't take anymore pimples, I'm going nuts and yes yes, more mail pleaseeeeee!! and your 'wedding' pictures! *wink*
@Shop N' Chomp
Hey babe, lol, it's really truee.. I usually apply and go lie down, ohhh the smell T.T
I know how you feel!!! Nyahahahahaha, I used to cheat and apply some to the gym anyway. Don't wanna give anyone heart attacks.
Hey yo, pictures are deceiving ;D
A trick of the camera no doubt XD.
much too fat for my own good now and yes, For RM80 Dr Jart handed me free pimples.. *sniff*
@Emily! *hugs*
Thank you, but seriously, don't learn anything from me, I'm the Queen of Failed Experiments. Nyahahahahaha
No problem, I'm so happy that you are having a contest! Yay yay, so I can join afterall :D Thankies dearie! <3
Have a great weekend too!
Hahaha...I'm glad you liked the post! XD I am taking your advice and will just sit pretty.
Omg Ash, you are too funny! Hehe, I'm glad you were able to contain yourself and not scream at midnight. :P Writing reviews aren't my forte but I'll likely do one on the Tsubaki treatment as it seems to have generated the most interest. ;) Hope your day is going well!
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