Not to mention, I've been one heck of a lousy friend. That I'll admit. I'm truly sorry for the lack of calls and sms-es of late. Then again, there's only a handful of people that I actually call to gossip with anyway.
Dear Kern,
Hope you're okay. Been missing you alot. It's been how long since I last saw you?
Dear E,
I think, this is probably the only Christmas in a decade or so when I'm actually in Penang and did not meet up with you. I know you're busy working but I hope you haven't forgotten about me. You said we could meet up, but I guess you forgot since you never called back. Will give you a hug nevertheless when I do see you.
Dear Elyn,
I'm fine here. Been extremely tired and feeling lazy. Had fever for close to two weeks and felt all shitty. I really hope to see you soon but our timing has been extremely off since I started working. I work on Sundays too so it's really a pain in the ass that I can't see you. I miss our precious moments together sitting down for coffee as you give me advises on life. I really miss that.
I'm sorry if my sms has been far in between but believe me, you have not been forgotten. Love you lots.
Dear TJ,
I'm super happy to see that you blog is doing super well. I'm still loving your drawings and I'm still envious of the weather there. The weather here is still pretty much 'hot as hell' and probably will remains so till after February. I.must.endure.yet.again.

The weirdest but much loved Christmas 'tree', it's actually made from Jobe's fishing nets and the ornaments are fish lures and such XD
Pressies galoreeeee
Christmas eve was spent in the Clubhouse. It's a little sad to know that this will be the last Christmas at the Clubhouse before it's shifted to a new location. I'm hope that despite the move, everything else will remain the same. I suppose there's still GameForge left. Everyone's been meeting there anyway after getting hooked on Magic Cards.

Left to right: Not the best picture but atleast I have something for our first Christmas together; The girls; now ain't Pinky Doodle doo hot?! (the one in white) :D
Oh btw, I only like the pretty angels/unicorn pictures on them but seeing how the guys are so hooked on them is incredible. I used to laugh and tell JH that even if I were to strip down naked and prance around the room doing gymnastics, I highly doubt the guys would notice or bat an eyelash.
It's Christmas and what are the guys doing? Christmas drafting... *shakes fist at JH* This was all your idea!
Anyway instead of the usual Gift Exchange for Christmas, the guys in CH decided they want it to be 'Dirty Santa' style this year so be it. Tons of rules and tons of blur faces (including mine since I know jack shit what was dirty Santa all about) So anyway everyone's allowed to pick a present, open it, show it to everyone and the person after you gets to exchange the present with you if he/she decides that they don't like their gifts. Worst, you can't say no.
Padios gift!
Elisa ate my Hershey bar when she came to visit me! *sobs* I gave her a piece and she ate half the bar!
LMAO! She's too cute
Pinky Doodle Doo ended up with Patrick the dog soft toy and JH ended up with an extremely cool looking tumbler thanks to Khim Sun. Khim Sun unfortunately, ended up with my pink Hello Kitty tupperware. GG to the poor guy.
The manliest man with a cutest Pink Hello Kitty Tupperware. Awwwwww...
JH gave me the box set perfume of his favourite female perfume. Thank Gawd, it's something that actually smells good and not something I had to nod my head saying, 'Oh it's lovely" while hold my breath in. Thankie Thankie!
I love it! *muaks muaks*
Tats decided he wants some Tribal tatoos for a day; Pictures curtesy of unknown CH member via FB
Oh another tip, never fall asleep in the CH, embarrassing pictures of you will always turn up. I've gotten a couple of my own but nothing as spectular as Tat's 'temporary' tats. Then again, I don't think anyone got anything better than Tats. Lucky Dawg.

Christmas Lunch @ Momo's place
Merry Christmas!
Heeey ASH! Bella! Oh you're soo sweet!! I'm happy to read your feeling better again. I'm still feeling sick -_-'' started the last weekend and I'm still not feeling well bleeegh...I think it's because my little bro..he had the flu the week before =_=
Either way! Your Xmas looks super cool! Lots of friends gathering and celebrating! I love the pictures! Now I wonder what's hidden under the 'censored' tag hahaha! You and JH look soo cute ^_^! I think it's a lovely picture! And your sister looks amazing!! You can tell her I said that haha!
Oh I have lots to tell you! But maybe I shall send you an email, so you can read it in your own time hahaha! Yes. I will do that!
So stay tuned and have a break once in a while okay ^_^!
Take care! Love ya!!
BIG Hugs & Kisses!!
PS.: Oh! And I still read every single one of your posts!! Maybe we can more stay in touch via MSN or something? Not that I'm online all the time hahaha. But it is an extra communication thingy hehe.
PS.2: The snow is all gone now -_-...ah well. I tripped don't know how many times the last few days hahaha!
Ciao! Xx
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