But firmly they compel me
To say goodbye . . .
To yooouuuuuuu~
- Green wee wee ala Sound of Music, So long, farewell
Initially, I did not want to give Green wee wee the satisfaction of seeing his/her "wontaufuu" essay posted up but after some though, aww why not, I mean, Green wee wee obviously spend some time writing it up and since his/her post doesn't affect me in any way, so post la and satisfy everyone else's curiosity.
After reading JeanJean's blog about how her seniors would read her blog then bitch about it sorta reminded me that in the end of the day Green wee wee = just another online psycho.
Do keep in mind that, I do accept criticism, constructive criticism that is. Please don't write something so stupid that will in the end only make you look damn stupid. Words of wisdom, encouragements as well as relationship advises are always loved, kept, remembered and sometimes put into action. I don't wear rose-coloured glasses and if I can learn where I've gone wrong on some make up tricks from your comments, it too will be appreciated and loved. I'm not here just to rant and bitch about life, I'm here to learn as well. And so far, I've learn that there are some katak dibawah tempurung existing right here, right now in the year 2009.
I edited out some part on E as it was some unintelligent nonsense
Sometimes, when we have enough counters in our blog, we can literally trace back and find out who you are like what happen in Elisa's blog some time ago. I'm really not that free nor does this bothers me too much so I didn't bother to do all that. I slept peacefully despite it all. This is me. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names won't hurt me. Guess you can say that after so long, I grow immune to all the name callings. Received alot of them when I was in school, but after some time, I learn not to give shit to shit.
If name callings makes you feel better about yourself, then I seriously pity you. If putting people down so you can feel better about yourself, I seriously damn kaw pity you. Because in reality, you end up making yourself into a bigger fool that you already are and if this is the only way you can feel good about yourself, then please do visit a psycharist cause you do need help on your level of low self esteem.
This Green wee wee thinks that he/she knows me personally well, by the first sentence out, all my close friends could tell that this person who thinks he/she knows me but in reality, doesn't. A tip of advise; Please don't go around dropping names and telling people you know who and who when you actually don't. It's embarrassing. Go to the nearest convenience store and buy some Humble Pie and a can of Dignity, please. Thanks
All my life, I believe and go by the motto, "Dare to do it, dare to admit it" It's not my style to hide behind a screen, act like an ass just because I know that no one knows who I am. I don't bitch about a person and then act all sweet and innocent in front. Not my style at all.
For someone I don't particularlly care about, this post has becomes quite long, perhaps, this post is also written on behalf of someone I mentioned above who goes through the same shit but in a bigger scale than me. So let, me just do a conclusion to all this Green Wee Wee issue.
For us so many bloggers out there, there will always be a time when we get haters. Leave this people be would be my advise, they are a little like acne or pimples, pops up unexpectedly, acts like a diva, the more attention you give them the more drama queens of silver screens they becomes. So best way to get rid of them, put on some pimple gel and forget about them.
@Green wee wee,
Yea Carrie's hot, perfect body and all as you mentioned but I don't think she wants anything to do with your Green wee wee. Sorry.
i think wat i said have reach yr heart and mind. pls dont say NO, the way u write and the attention u gv to my post have speak for its self. im a girl like u too, im yr friend and also elisa'. i was and im still around u all. just that i dont wish to identityfy my self to u. u see only few are very pretty and some are so-so and some are ugly. after all we are all human. its just that, u cant act as yr are pretty when u are not. do u agree wt me ? u should know, sometimes u think u look very good when u are not. and we ppl who are with u, cant see it out direct to face as u will label us a jealous women. so lets come to and end and finish up. write up do yr review write bout yr self, and before that pls be yr self. dont overact of wat u dont have. live happy with wat u have ! last but not least i didnt gv any comment on carries issue. its a mistaken identity by u . thanks (u can post this comment if u want or u can even make a cartoon out this commment !. take care.....
@green wee wee
Hey there again, yea, i publish this cause I didn't wanted to make anymore post on you so aww, what the hell.
I found it a little strange though, I understood your first message really clear but this time, I had to re-read your comment a few times to make sure I understood.
Actually, I hate to burst your bubble but I posted that up not cause it it touched my heart or mind. I'm not saying this to hurt you but all my life I had people saying things, I've grown quite good at not let minor things like this bother me. Like I've said in my post, perhaps, all this is also written to behalf of someone I care about going through the same as me. Not everything's about you.
Perhaps me and elisa have met you once or known you from online somewhere but I don't appreciate the fact that you don't hang out with us and you act like you know a great deal about us. It's really pathetic I'm sorry to say.
Everything written here is not out of malice and despite all the harsh exchange, I do not hate you or purposely try to hurt you but I also need to let you know about the 'real' me that you don't see and go around assuming you know.
Everyone has their two cents on what's pretty and what's not, if you don't think I'm pretty that's absolutely fine. But think about it, you hide yourself behind a screen and only then can you really voice out what you think, that's really pathetic. I don't exactly go to a 'friend' blog hide myself and start saying shit and acting like your my BFF and knows everything about me.
Even after a few talks, Elyn knows very well how I am in reality. Elisa knows me best, so for you to say that 'you act as if you're pretty' blah blah really shows that you end up assuming everything about me without knowing who I am.
I found this some time ago do read,
Your 'advice' are indeed kind, but I really hope that you stop assuming that you know me because in the end of the day, I am myself, and I live by my rules and I live my life without rose coloured glasses. In the end, if you were a 'friend' I'm disappointed because you really don't know me.
It wasn't you? Oh everyone hides behind anonymous lately and the person has the same writing style as you. Oops.
WOW...interesting! Are they really the same person? I mean it's kinda hard to imagine those words are coming from someone you know personally. At the same time, it also make me realize there are ALL kind of people out there and some people just do things to get attention or just being jealous, perhaps...
It's glad to know tbat what green wee-wee said does not get you. I am just one of your readers amonng hundreds/thousands people out there and I don't know you in person but I believe you're a honest and sincere girl (from the way you wrote and express yourself, love it!)
Cheers Up!
Hey there Michelle,
Actually I'm quite comfortable in saying that this person doesn't know me at all, it's just the "I-got-nothing-to-do" kinda person who wants likes to bring people down to make themselves feel better.
Lol, thanks, appreciate that. It's just that I have no need to pretend to be something I'm not, It's either you hate me for my big mouth or love me for some strange reason. I'm not here to win a popularity contest. Started a blog as a place for me to just practice my writing and write nonsense anyway XD
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