So why don't I just go exchange it or buy a new one?
Easy, the seller's in KL. I tend to buy it from my ex's uncle since it cost about RM85 and in Penang, it's about RM120. Not only is there a huge difference in terms of pricing but also, not every optician carried this line AND my power is actually extremely high, so high that FreshCon or whatever doesn't do that power. When I say I'm half blind, I wasn't kidding.
Anyway, had a good rest yesterday and went to work all bright eye and since I slept with my hair wet last night, I woke up with a good hair day. Weird huh. The only reason why I don't do that every night is because I'll get migraines if I slept with wet hair. Everything nice stops there of course. Got a good "washing" from a certain someone today. Left me totally "clean" and "white". My new title in the office would probably be "1/3 Queens of Low cost" Three guesses who the other two is. :P
I must admit that although the 'someone' is not happy that I'm concentrating on low cost houses I do not say no to someone who wants a loan to get a home. Yes, it can be considered that its not that good of an idea to concentrate on them due to the facts that rejection rate is higher as the bank is not into doing smallish loans that won't maximize their profits and we don't get much commission, it's in fact not even enough to buy a MAC lipstick!
But to my naive little thinking, a house no matter the price tag that comes with it, is going to be someone's home. A home they had always wanted as their own. And in the end, that's what matters to me. If I can help someone to get a home to call their own, my effort is never considered "wasted". I don't blame the 'someone' because I do understand that 'he/she' must be under a lot of pressure from the higher ups not to mention, I do like 'him/her' a lot. Always had. In the end, I guess this is all said for my own good...
I didn't create this blog to gain popularity, I did it cause I wanted a place to just write. My blog is really one of the only places left that I seek solace in. It's the part that keeps me the happiest. If I could, all I ever want to do is sit in front of my blog and just read and write. Two of my greatest passion, besides drawing and make up of course. Yea yea, I was a nerd and still is one. Was never embarrassed to admit that. No reason to. I am me.
Another thing that has been bugging my lately is how people just assume that I rely on my parents for money or something just as funky. I admit that I do not have any commitments. Yes, my car is provided but it's also shared, and I do not own a credit card of my own. Yes you heard me right, my card is subbed and I DO pay my dad back for everything signed. When I was in college, I do have a set allowance. A very small amount of RM350 and even then I managed to save my money and I don't ask my dad for extra. (I was really nice to the 'Hokkien Mee' uncle at the cafeteria and I usually got a big bowl of Hokkien Mee for only RM1 and saved alot!) But people always take a look at me, at my clothes, bags, whatever whatever and assume that I must have rich parents when I don't or that I rely on my parents. (I actually do buy thrift shop clothes and only buy clothes during sales, LOL)

All the money that I've earned from part-time work (started working when I was 16 till my English teacher asked me to quit and concentrate on my studies) and all those time I saved so hard mean nothing cause people just end up stereotyping me. It's always so easy to assume. Like Mr.Oh always says, to assume is to make an ass of you and me, so please don't live your life by making an ass of yourself...
P.s: I DO NOT smoke nor drink and trust me, I save a lot from there. Indulge in your little sins and I'll indulge in mine.
Poor little Ash. You do have the posh look but that is not the excuse for some pat pohs to talk like that about you.
But don't worry, you have natural beauty. That's what money cannot buy. Don't worry, if they dare to say that you're not, let them rot. I'm by your side. At least, you still have best friends like Elisa and Kern , right?
We have just added your latest post "Fleur de Cendre: Ignore me, just a another rant" to our Directory of Home Loan . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory and get a huge base of visitors to your website.
Warm Regards Team
Thanks for the lovely words..
Pat pohs are attracted to me. No target, always choose me. *sigh*
But reading and rereading your post made me realize, although it bothers me, I've gone thru it so many times that in the end, what really matters are having friends like you, Elyn and E around to remind me whenever I'm feeling down. I sincerely thank you.
Psst, natural beauty I'm not, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I'm happily artificial flavoured! Too much of me and you'll lose some hair XDDDDD!
lol.. i love the washing machine drawing..
ash you should be glad that people look at you expensive, as what do people think of you, let them be.. as long as you are happy.
LOL, thanks! Wanted to use the 'someone''s name as the washing machine brand but didn't dare to in the end. >.>
I rather just look sweet. Sugary sweet rather than bitter and expensive.
*thinks of cupcakes* YUM!
and thanks for the words *hugs*
Ash quoted : a house no matter the price tag that comes with it, is going to be someone's home. << I am with you there 100%, you did good.
Regardless of what people said about you "fuck em" you are sweet and beautiful and yes you are you.
*hugs* with lotsa lubb <3
@Elyn dearest
:DD thanks! I'm glad atleast someone thinks so ^-^
*sniff* thanks Elyn, you always make me feel better about myself, thank you thank you
*hugs you tighly* <33
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