Was partnered with Khim Sun, a dragon boat rower, we did okay but at some point we were kinda lopsided because he had powerful strokes and my arms are like jelly, was quite weak. Saw some jelly fishes too by the way.
Went to korek siput for dinner later and it was really fun! Minus the part where Khim Sun accidentally hit me on the side of my face with the paddle. I kneel down and praise God that I was wearing my sunglasses then or he would have literally taken my eye out as it came at the angle of my eyeballs. Heart attack!
A week later, in the clubhouse;
My make up looked so odd, I'm using all my normal stuffs but because I gotten a tan, my face now doesn't match my arms and chest area. ARGH! I looked as if I got thick make up on when I don't. T.T
With Carrie and Leanne, I looked like a giant!
One word: ARGH!
It would be extremely rude for me to take any since all this while of knowing Elyn, she never stopped giving us things, but she won't take no for an answer nor money when offered, "I have sharpen it many times!" I didn't care, it'll be great if I could even try them out. But anyway after some negotiations, with me treating her to coffee and cakes when I see her, I sent her my address.
A few days later, a parcel arrived. No one was home but thankfully, my dad went to collect it from the post office for me. Yay! I expected Elyn to post out one eyeliner in a Pos Ekspress RM2.50 envelope.
Top to bottom: Jordana's Glitterama in Bronze Fest, Purple Party, Turquoise Jamboree, MAC eyeliner in black, Bourjois kohl eyeliner in black
The eyeliners were fanastic! I'm so pleased that I finally have not one but two eyeliners! Oh that reminds me. a couple of weeks ago, I saw this make up artist on Youtube, Nireyna which taught us a lip plumping technique. Having very small lips, I'll be obvously tempted to try them out. She mentions that she used white eyeliner but being me, I rummage through and brought out my NYX Jumbo eye pencil in Milk! Finally get to put it on good use, so my little head thought.
If you find this wrinked and pruned, please blame Mior, I know I did!
Remember the "Got milk?" ad ? XD
Damn, it looks disguisting!
Colour it up, took a step back and I looked like a ganguro!

Two pics on the top: What happens when the tanning equipment blow up on your face
Two pic on the bottom: I liked these better, it's not that extreme and it actually looks pretty good!
Pictures from google
Kinda uneven, dang! Anyway the pink was a nice pink on its own, combined, it didn't fit me
At the end of the experiment, I had one of the best laughs. I must have done something wrong along the way but it came out looking like Lip Fillers Went Wrong! Oh so wrong! My lips looks disfigured, it was disturbing for me to even look at them. The camera didn't capture it but in real life, if I went out like that, people must have been scared shitless at the sight of my lips! I can't describe it but it was A-W-F-U-L! If anyone else is trying it, let us know.
Elisa gave the experiment a go just as well and came back with the exact same results and thoughts, botox gone wrong.
You did really well and we were going at a decent speed.
Ribuan maaf about trying to take out your eyes tho. Will make an effort to use mine in the future :)
Hey I like your posts a lot! You're so mature & the blog is filled with words instead of camwhore pictures (= Would love to see you blogging more often !
@Khim Sun
Never did I imagine you coming across my blog. I'm bloody embarrassed having you see what kind of silly experiment I do on my free time. I'm really embarrassed...
Thank you so much, Shenay, I really appreciate your words very much!
wow... the pink is shocking! I mean the colour is somewhat like neon or fluorescent pink!
I guess it won't be a problem for you to pull out the lip colour since you have fair skin.
I do agree with Shenay that you write beautiful posts. Just like a real author!
neon? Florescent? ARGHHHH! on my computer, it turns out as very light cool tone pink.
It's a lovely colour but doesn't suit me despite my fair skin, me thinks T.T
Awwwww.... *hugs you*
I wish, I wish but thanks for making me more confident in my writing!
Ganguro-Ash ftw :)
And I agree with Jeanjean and Shenay too... very articulate you are... hmmm
Ash , you look great just the way you are and I love you for that just dump the idea of fuller lips ya :P
Ash, I hate to say this but I told you since the day we met that your ENGLISH made me speechless and green with envy each time I read them, so keep writing aye !
p/s : psssttt I hope all those liners turn out ok for you, glad that you received them in good condition...hehehehe
the last pic, looks like u are having chicken pox spot on yr face ! looks so rough like stone !
@Green wee wee
Wah, I see now that you can't even spell your own name...
Anyway, LOL!!!!! Those are called pimples just in case you don't know. LOL! Like I said before, I don't use photoshop on any of my pictures so what you see if what you get.
Never said I have nice skin anyway, LOL! Read my other post ja!
Thanks for dropping by again Green wee wee.
P.s: Oh yea, so is your green wee wee okay? Did your psychiatrist say that you ought to stop turning green with jealousy and your wee wee might turn normal?
Was so worried for you. Take care!
Trust me, not a sight you might want to see. Muahahahaa
*Floats around in cloud 9*
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
=_=;; Thank you love, but..but..I've always wanted fuller lips. Even contemplated lips filler >.<;; gotta save up for that one!
I remember, and your words (everyone here also) made me so very happy I can't tell you how much!!
LOVE em', thank you thank youuu!
wahahaha!!! So that's Green Wee Wee ! Adoi... I can understand his stupidity since his green soggy and flaccid wee wee is his control panel.
ei, condemning other people's face for what ? Remember, your wee wee is green ? It's against force of nature so better just cure it well before insulting Ash okay.
Yer... no wonder Ash and Elisa hate him.
Green wee wee has become so famous in my blog XD
Nah, don't hate but pity the poor idiot.
Anyway this post is super mild compared to what he first said about me and Elisa, right green wee wee?
I have a hunch this GWW is a SHE...agree?
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