I have friends who have too much free time..I admit that I've been extremely lazy to blog lately. My head is filled with a million and one things. Last Saturday, I went to have my eye brow re-embroidered. It's been two years and after seeing how my eyebrows refuses to show up in pictures, I decided to fork out the money and just do it. Don't get me wrong, I love light eyebrows but not
that light.
* If you don't know what eyebrow embroidery is; It's somewhat similar to tattoo but it's temporary and the needle does not go in that deep. The super dark, wide brows will only last for a week before it peels off and reveals a much softer and smaller eyebrow underneath. It's good for people like me who's born with little/ patchy eyebrows.
It's not snot, I swear! It's the numbing cream >.>
After 3 days, snot cream runs out and it's time to switch to a clear cream
Since Felicia, my beautician upgraded her anesthetic cream, this round of
"poking" didn't hurt at all. Whee! The hurt came later instead. Back then, I wasn't working and one week passed by fast and without much incident. This time, I was working and I scared lots of people shitless in my workplace. They all stared.
The thing about Malaysian is that we hardly bother to ask. If we don't understand something, we keep quiet and try to find out ourselves. In this case, they saw, they laughed, they thought I had a galactic battle with my eyebrow pencil - and lost. End of story.
*sigh* I don't blame them since if we asked, we might be thought of as nosy.
I never did mind being called nosy. I don't butt into personal things but I've always been curious and I live by the motto, '
If you don't know - ASK!' I insist on holding a mirror when doing my facials and wants to be told what's going on and all. Same thing when I got to the dentist and so forth XD
So anyway, everywhere I went, people talked to my eyebrows. Yup, you read right. They talked to my eyebrows. They didn't look at me or my eyes but instead at my eyebrows which was quite funny. Some girls gets guys talking to their chest/boobies. I get them talking to my eyebrows.
Of course, there was comments such as, '
Whoaa..' from complete strangers while passing by or the
stupid (don't mind me) aunty where we usually have our lunch which told her worker to
"look for the lady with the thick thick make up" Thick thick here is our usual way of emphasizing something. It's like the word,
'very'. It hurts cause I was only using sunblock and a light powder.
*sobs loudly*After the 4th day, I decided to put on my devil-may-care attitude. I walked about to hotels, shopping malls with my gruesome eyebrows. Hah! Enjoy it, you won't be seeing it for the next 2 years. After one week, the dark brown will all peel off and underneath is the '
real' colour.
Anyway I realized with natural falsies, it makes the eyebrows less conspicuous, it might just be me though.
Staying at home, I've taken up a hobby. After much calculations, I knew I wasn't going to be able to afford Christmas presents for friends this year so the next best thing was to make some stuffs as gifts.
The first few tries ended with JH telling me, '
I suggest you don't give them to your friends..' They were awful alright. I found some cookie cutter and suddenly everything became much easier. The air-clay I used was too fragile to be rolled into roses or any fancy shapes. They were tough to work with. In the end, some of the things I made was a combi of both clay and air-clay. Air clays were great "creams" and toppings such as strawberry or cherries. Roses and hearts are better off made with clay.
Made plenty of spare parts and after using JH's expensive GamesWorkshop paint, I finally bought some acrylic paint of my own. In primary colours only. I'll mix whatever I need myself to cut cost. Paint bought at Nanyang, Carnavon Street.
Last week's NOTD- Opi Russian Navy
- Random Purple Glitters