My last day at work turned out to be last Friday. They wanted me to clear my leave so I ended up clearing two out of my six days annual leave. I still had pending cases so I passed everything to my other colleagues and spent the day shredding paper. I must admit that my former company has got to be super stingy. The shredder is super small and overheats every 15 minutes or less. Frustrating. I ended up with paper cuts on my hands tearing the papers instead.
With Cynthia our office admin,
Me and Mr.W's 2 in one Birthday & Farewell Cake, thanks to the people from OneAsia
My last day coincide with Mr. W's birthday and since we were out for lunch with the people from OneAsia, Mr Lim actually bought a cake for us. Lunch was delicious! And yes, I've reached my target weight of 48.5kg. I can now stop being a glutton and eat at my pace. Ahhh~
Good bye and thank you for everything Mr.W
EOTD : The lazy eye make up
Taken on very different days
I no longer do this and do that, I've just gotten too lazy for that. I keep everything simple. I use the usual MAC Bare study as base then Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner on both top and lower lids since it doesn't smudge, then sweep BB's Espresso to soften the harsh gel liner line. Put mascara and I'm outta the house. Since the new ruling of having to be in the office by 9 am sharp, I have begun my simple eye routine and loving it. As much as I love colours, I just no longer have to think of what colour to match this and match that. Black and brown fits everything. Makes my life a lot simpler.

Ta-daaaaa, the lazy make up for lazy people like me
NOTD : How to make your nails looks like some granny pillows :P
Was suppose to meet her at 1.30pm at Gurney and because I wanted to get her something that I knew she's been eyeing, it was a mad rush to get to Gurney before her. One thing I knew about her is that she's never late! Lo and behold, she indeed got to Gurney way before me and was already having coffee with Chris. But in the end I still managed to get her present before she did! Nyahahahaa! *puffs out chest* It sometimes pays to be sneaky.
I never never knew that I had a mole near the side of my ear till I saw the picture o.O
And I actually have 2 piercings (used to be 3) on both ears hence the hole on my ear
Random info: I pierced a total of 9 times, Elisa pieced a total of 21 times
*Gasp* I finally own an electronic eye lash curler
I love you Elyn!
I was kind of afraid of it initially, knowing how butter fingers I am, I'm bound to burn myself one of these days but the eye lash curler works wonders! My Stage brand eye curler can now sit on my make up drawer for years to come, I absolutely hate hate hate Stage's eye lash curler. It just doesn't suit my typical asian eyes.
Muahahahhaa, I look so suprised. Don't mind the smudge look, the make up was a good 12 hour old. Ain't the purple pretty?
P.s: Elyn, I guess everyone glows when they are in love huh? XD

Left to right: Just to prove that I'm not always sour faced :D
"Charlie's Angel" as everyone nickname the three of us, not my favourite nickname but it just got stuck, and it wasn't even us that came up with the silly nickname. ARGH
Pictures are taken from Kern's facebook
A BIG BIG thank you to the Mr. J, Mr. C and Jeremy for the smses. Although I'm no longer with the bank, I do hope to visit all of you just the same. Take care!
Oh I want an electronic eyelash curler!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Ash :) :)
You know, you should go and try modelling. I'm serious, you have that exotic oriental look that looks so fine. Take a look at the picture with you smiling in it beside the 'Charlie's Angels' photo. Splendid !
And I ain't kidding, it's just 9 pm and I am not drunk.
I love your lazy makeup. It works on you. Eh, how come you look so good in blue contact ? Not fair leh. My eyes look so freaky when having blue contacts on.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the freedom you have now.
Btw, you have sexy shoulder blades!
No way, LOL I'm just too ordinary to ever try modeling, it just won't work for me but awwwwwwwww *hugs and squeeze you tightly*
I was just about to ask you that and you read my mind, LMAO!
Thank you, lazy make up will always works for lazy people like me :D
I ask the exact same question on people who wears green and looks good in them. But i think it has something to do with our iris colour. I have black eyes to begin with. Not brown or anything.
I am and I'm boredddddddddddddd
OOOOOOOO.. thankie, funny for you to say it, someone was just complaining about them. Heheheheee
I have fun today, thankie *XXOO* much love...:D
Hahaha.. no wonder. My iris is light brown. This sucks because I want blue contact to look good on me.
With your shoulder blades that look so structured and full of attitude, you will be able to wear sexy sleeveless tops. Unlike mine which are wrapped with thick layers of fat, I must say hiding under big T-shirt is my only solution.
Loved to see you updating your blog.I love how you structured your words before making them into flowery sentences.
omg gratz!!!
u know that collect/recycle thingy u got there? OH DAMN YER LIKE MAH GRANDMA~~~ lol she keeps trinkets, stuff, moar stuffs at her vault like place~~~
I recognise the gold chain and you look like a doll~ <3
ps, is glad for Elisa. ;)
I love the lazy make up look! And the photo one where you say the make up is almost 12 hours old :|...OMG you can't see that...smudge? wear? haha ^_^. You really have a specific way of writing, I like it! I think when people read a piece, they immediately know 'Oh this is from Ashley" haha. I love your haircut too! Can't wait to read your new blog!
If you will excuse me...I will run to the kitchen to see if we have some pie or cake...because that picture of the pie made me hungry ^_^. Cyaa!
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